Well, we’re working from home this week on Project Playboy. The weather has been so nice, we pulled the Chevy C1500 out of the garage to finalize our audio install and give it a quick tune-up.
Days like this take me back to a simpler time when I had fewer responsibilities, stronger hands, and much more patience than I have today. It’s funny how the most unexpected moments can transport you to a previous time in life. In this case, it’s my head under a hood taking in the smell of burnt oil in the cool breeze while wiping blood from another busted knuckle. Can you picture it? I bet you can.
Try to explain that feeling to your neighbor who drives the minivan. Tell them how there is no other place you would rather be than leaning on your toolbox trying to solve another fitment issue on your small-block Chevy. Think they’ll understand? I can promise you that your neighbors probably wouldn’t. In my ’burb, I’m almost certain they think my very custom cruisers are just piles of shined-up junk.
We are a different breed, you and I. We live, eat, and breathe the feeling of freedom while cruising in the fast lane. Now if I could just get my neighbor as excited as I am when I fire up the Stroker motor on early weekend morning …
So what are you working on? Let us know, we’re interested!
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