Street Trucks

A Message from the Editor!

Chris Hamilton . June 04, 2020 . Department
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Living the Life and Printing  the Passion

We miss you guys!! This quarantine thing is getting old, and not attending any truck shows is causing our inner crazy to come out a little. We miss talking trucks for hours on end with interesting truck guys who have unique talents and style. Most outsiders just see metal and four wheels no matter how detailed or custom it is, but not us. We’re different. We can stare at the same truck for 45 minutes while discussing the fine details and upgrades with the owner and builder. “What thickness metal did you use? Which hardware did you bolt it up with? How much work is it to install that suspension?” Even if we don’t have any projects planned, we ask questions like we are deep in the thick of it. Our kids and family members tend to pull on our shirttails asking if we’re done talking, but it doesn’t matter. It’s in our DNA. 

This is just one of many ways this pandemic is affecting our industry. Aside from the multiple manufacturers that had to temporarily close their doors and wait, which is awful for their employees and cash flow, the consumers are just as affected even if it’s more mentally draining than physically taxing. Watching events post new rescheduled dates is great, but we all know the attendance will be a fraction of what the original event dates would draw. Some of these events have been produced every year ever since I was a kid, but now they have to scramble to stay profitable and alive. Be sure to support your local events when they are back up and running!

We are full steam ahead over here at the Street Trucks offices. All of our books are doing amazing numbers and our digital properties are gaining traction each and every day. A free weekly email newsletter and daily article drops on our website are there to keep you up to date and entertained. I spearhead the content selection for all these platforms, so let me know if you see some areas for improvement or if you have suggestions for additional stories. Until the events are back and we are face to face again, keep it clean and interact online. Let’s go!


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