Street Trucks

Cruise to the Pines 2020| Did you miss it?

LHEA ALISHA . January 14, 2021 . Events
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Out of the House and on the Road!

Cruise to the Pines 2020 in Prescott, Arizona, was scheduled for May 16, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was sweeping the country. Before the event, the big question for everyone was, will the show go on?

Yes and no, said a Perfect Poise Car Club member on the event’s Facebook page. Cruise, yes! Show, no.

This annual event is known for its breathtaking 85-mile adventure north from Phoenix to Prescott. Following the cruise, the custom vehicles are typically laid out over the grassy field at Watson Lake camping area, judged and awarded infamous trophies—customized skate decks by artists from all over the world.

cruise to the pines

The 2020 show, however, would be different.

Club representatives did everything they could to continue the beautiful tradition that began many years ago. But after going back and forth for a couple of months with the City of Prescott, they decided it best to keep everyone safe and cancel the camping and show plans for the year.

cruise truck

But the cruise was still a go! Mini-truckers met up Saturday morning to take the cruise north. One by one they rolled out of the parking lot and began the journey. About 100 custom vehicles attended the cruise, and everyone was very happy to get out of the house and cruise together—safely. Perfect Poise was very thankful for the continued support of their mini-truck community.

This was absolutely a cruise everyone was going to remember, and next year is going to be even better! Save the date and start planning now to join in the COVID comeback show in 2021—cruising and camping at Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona, on May 15. Stay connected with @StreetTrucks on Instagram for more rad custom automotive coverage.

This annual event is known for its breathtaking 85-mile adventure north from Phoenix to Prescott. Following the cruise, the custom vehicles are typically laid out over the grassy field at Watson Lake camping area, judged and awarded infamous trophies—customized skate decks by artists from all over the world. 




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