Keeping an older Chevy Silverado going is not hard—just do regular maintenance and replace worn or broken parts in a timely manner. The replacement parts experts at Dorman understand this. They keep a very sharp eye on what gets fixed or replaced most often on hundreds of vehicles, including Silverados. The engineers then design replacement parts that solve function or installation issues the factory parts have—and they cost less than a factory replacement from the dealer.
Summit Racing carries lots of Dorman OE FIX parts for Silverados, including these:
Instrument Cluster Repair Kit
When even one gauge in your Silverado’s instrument cluster failed, it meant replacement of the entire assembly. This OE FIX kit lets you replace just the failed components, saving you money. It comes with six upgraded instrument stepper motors and 10 backlight bulbs that have longer, thicker filament units for longer life. It fits these trucks with the six-gauge instrument cluster with tach:
Stainless Steel Brake Line Kits
It’s a fact that the brake lines on Silverados rusted like the dickens. That’s because the factory made them from ordinary steel tubing. Dorman’s OE FIX Brake Line Kits are made from stainless steel for greatly improved corrosion resistance. The lines come in preformed sections for easier installation, and all necessary fittings are included. The OE FIX Brake Line Kits are available for many 2003-07 Silverados including crew cab models.
Stainless Steel Fuel Line Kits
Fuel lines are another component that The General skimped on. Dorman’s OE FIX Fuel Line Kits are made from stainless steel for better corrosion resistance, and come preformed for a painless installation. All necessary fittings and bracket are included. Fuel line kits are available for these trucks:
Power Seat Track Repair Kit
The track gears on your 1999-2007 Silverado’s power seat are usually the first part to give up the ghost. That used to require the replacement of the entire seat track assembly, a dealer-only part with a dealer-only price tag. Dorman’s OE FIX Track Repair Kit replaces the worn gear bushings with new, high quality bushings. The kit includes eight bushings and two bolts.
Truck Bed Floor Support Kit
GM didn’t make it easy to replace a bad bed support on 2001-07 Silverados–it usually requires the replacement of the entire bed. Dorman’s OE FIX Bed Floor Support Kit lets you replace one or all of the factory floor supports without scrapping the bed. The kit includes four floor supports painted in weldable primer, eight M6 bolts, and eight M12 bolts.
Rack and Pinion Mount Bushing Kit
Thanks to this Dorman OE FIX kit, you don’t have to chuck the entire steering rack on your 2007-14 Silverado just because the mount bushings have worn out. It comes with two bushings and a bracket so you can put the steering rack back in service quickly.
Summit Racing Equipment
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