Street Trucks

Downward Trend: Belltech’s 2015-Plus F-150 3/5.5-inch Drop Kit

streettrucks . October 25, 2016 . Tech
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Right off the bat, the newer F-150’s aluminum body has made a huge difference in performance handling due to its reduced weight and subsequent lower center of gravity. That’s one point on the scoreboard right away, but there are always enhancements to be made on top of the factory’s improvements, and Belltech has formulated a kit to take better advantage of the F-150’s lighter step.

Starting at the front of the F-150, Belltech utilizes a strut that can be configured to either lift the front 1 inch or lower it a maximum of 3 inches. The height is adjusted using a ring system around the strut, and it can be removed and customized whenever a change is desired. We chose to max out with the latter option for this story because, well, these trucks look so good dropped. What we were really after here was to experience a more responsive suspension setup to capitalize on the truck’s lighter body weight. At the rear, Belltech’s 5.5-inch axle flip kit was selected to move the axle above the leaf spring pack in order to achieve the desired drop. Our particular F-150 was equipped with a two-piece driveshaft, so the center carrier bearing mount had to be relocated, but the job was an easy adjustment, and the entire process will be explained a little later in the story. For now, we’ll go ahead and get ready to bring this Ford closer to the ground.

Follow along as the guys at Belltech take matters into their own hands as they install both the front and rear drop kits and dramatically lower the F-150’s stance for the better. New trucks are always fun to drive, but this specific one will soon be eating up curves and corners with much more style and grace. The job shouldn’t take too long at all to complete, but there are a few tricks to be aware of along the way, so read along and take notes. ST



What we were really after here was to experience a more responsive suspension setup to capitalize on the truck’s lighter body weight.






Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the September 2016 print issue of Street Trucks Magazine.

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