Street Trucks

Lone Star Throwdown 2023 FULL event coverage

Mike Self . June 05, 2023 . Events
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Big State, Big Show

lone Star Throwdown is a much-anticipated event for truck enthusiasts nationwide. Held annually in Conroe, Texas, it draws truck lovers from all over the country. The three-day event features a variety of activities, including music, food, and, most importantly, an impressive display of custom-built trucks.

Each year, participants arrive in droves, eager to showcase their creations and compete for recognition and prizes. The event is an opportunity for truck enthusiasts to display their skills and creativity, from lifted trucks to lowered, classic pickups to modern monsters. Each truck is unique, with many being debuted at LST amid months or even years of online buzz.

As participants parked their trucks and set up for a weekend of fun this past February, they mingled and chatted with other truck lovers, swapping stories, sharing tips, and admiring each other’s rides. Many forged lasting connections and friendships—a common occurrence within the truck community.

Of course, the highlight of the event was the announcement of the winners of the various show categories, but as impressive as the hardware is every year (thanks to Philbuilt designs), Lone Star Throwdown is not just a truck show—it’s about family and has become an annual pilgrimage. For many participants, it’s an opportunity to bond with other truck enthusiasts who share their passion. They come from different backgrounds, but their love of trucks brings them together.

As LST drew to a close, participants packed up their trucks and headed back home, inspired to create new and improved versions of their rigs for the next year’s event. The Lone Star Throwdown is more than just a gathering of trucks; it’s a celebration of the creativity and passion of the truck community.

For information on next year’s event, check out


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