Street Trucks

Made of Steel ” Best Of Awards”

Adam Johnson . May 25, 2022 . Events
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Here is a list of the Best of Awards from “Made of Steel” show.
Best truck- Elvis Kerns 39 COE
Best Car-wide body charger Jose Rodriguez
Best 4×4 Randy MacFarland Dodge mega cab
Best Rod- Dewey Dougherty 37 International Loadstar
Best interior-wide body charger Jose Rodriguez
Best Engineered- Da Bus
Chris Pulley Best Paint- Matt Middleton Chevy s10
Best Engine- Jason Leclerc Chevy 1500
Best Bike- Chad Bolender
Best Suspension- Bobby George Team Billet Copper F250
Best Lights- TJ Dickenson
Promoters picks- Suspension Store pick – Anthony Cabrerra
 Cadillac Epicenter Designs pick- Ferman Ganoa- Reg Cab Chevy
Phat Tank’s pick- Kevin Mead -cat eye Chevy
HRM pick – RA Alvin Lawrence S-10
Kids choice – Bobby George Team Billet Copper F250
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