Up next NORTHERN EXPOSURE | The Canadian C-10 Party of the Year! Published on April 04, 2019 Author Chris Hamilton Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR WELL, IT’S OFFICIALLY 2019 AND WE’RE STARTING OFF WITH A BANG. A heavy workload and high expectations are what we are prepared for this year, but as the saying goes, hard work pays of . So we plan on working harder this year than ever before in order to allow readers to reap the reward. The goal is to deliver a consistent stream of high-quality truck content over many different platforms including print and digital, so sit back and enjoy the steady fl ow of fresh feature stories. AS WE SCAN THE HEADLINES, WE WILL HIGHLIGHT SOME OF THE MOST RELEVANT CONTENT WE COME ACROSS, INCLUDING THE FAST APPROACHING REALITY OF THE ALL-ELECTRIC TRUCK MARKET. We are working on a ton of really unique projects with some amazing companies as well as a massive “Shakedown” tour spanning across the country as we head toward Las Vegas. Along with a few freshly welded frame draggers and a super cool chase truck, our crew will be leading the pack and documenting the journey all along the way. All of these projects will be briefly covered in the magazine as usual, although this year we’re including loads of digital-exclusive articles on our website as these builds mature throughout the year. 2019 also brings a new year of tech innovations, so we will continue to watch the OEM market explode with incredible engineering, although along with it comes unrealistic prices. As we scan the headlines, we will highlight some of the most relevant content we come across, including the fast approaching reality of the all-electric truck market. The big three truck manufacturers are all in agreement on this as well, which is why we’ve see some prototypes receive the green light for full production. What’s extremely interesting is watching the rise of independent manufacturers emerge such as Rivian and Tesla. Is it possible for these up-and-coming geniuses to make a major impact on the way trucks are built and sold? Only time will tell, but just the fact they were discussing it is clear that things are changing. We are looking forward to what this year brings and we’re glad you’re on board with us to see it all play out. If you have a specifi c topic in mind, shoot us an email and give us your thoughts. Until then, see you out there!