Our photographer spotlight this month is Jessica Roach. She is one very talented hard working women at a car show near you. Always looking for features and show coverage. If you see her out, go say hi. We had a 1 on1 interview with her to get to know her. Check out some of her work after the interview below.
ST: Introduce yourself. Let people get to know the man/woman behind the lens
JR: My name is Jessica Roach, i’m an automotive photographer originally from California and currently located in Alabama, shooting for about 7 years now. Johnson’s Hot Rod Shop is my daytime gig, minitrucks, photography, and my dog consumes the rest.
ST: When did you get into photography?
JR: I did not get serious about it until a few years ago. Something I have always loved, but never imagined taking seriously. I am fortunate that my job and my hobby allows me to shoot some incredible builds. I have a long way to go, but I am always learning something new everyday, and it keeps the passion alive. I am grateful to have friends seasoned in the automotive photography world that have allowed me to shadow them and have created incredible content that made me fall in love with what I do.
ST: Do you have any covers and if so, how many?
JR: I hope one day soon I am fortunate to shoot something and it grace the cover.
ST: Who are some of your influences?
JR: Attention to detail and quality has been my influence. Individuals like Steve Coonan, John Jackson, Josh Mishler, Robert Mcgaffin, Coby Gewertz, and Pepper Yandell. All of which have their own unique and memorable style.
ST: When you go do a shoot, what’s in the camera bag?
JR: Nikon D5500, Nikkor 12-24mm, 18-70mm, tripod, batteries, a cherry pepsi, and a ladder if i can help it.
ST: Describe your lighting when and if you decide to use it.
JR: Natural light is the way to go. I typically don’t use any sort of lighting equipment, I am just recently getting my feet wet with that.
ST: Describe some thing’s when you are at a show that makes a truck standout to you.
JR: It’s the level of detail for me. You really have to be on your game to know what you are looking for and looking at. There are some incredibly talented builders in the truck scene that are super sneaky about their mods or custom touches that only they know took hours for them to perfect, that simply get overlooked. And that is what stands out to me. If something extreme has been done to a build, and it looks like it rolled out of the factory that way, that is incredible to me.
ST: Do you have a favorite shoot you have done? Describe it.
JR: I was fortunate to be a part of a shoot done for Rodders Journal when we finished a ‘32 Sedan in 2018. Located in an industrial area, the sun hit that jet black paint just right and I was in love.
ST: What are your thoughts on the current and future state of the industry?
JR: Currently, i think the industry is in a wonderful place. The outpouring love from the community engaging in acts of charity with guys like Sean Rose, OurLifeStyle Podcast shedding light on positive influential people, the guys at LCD making you laugh while you work in your garage, and the guys that put on these incredible truck shows. It’sthe community of people that makes the industry what it is. Looking forward, i’d like to see part of the scene get back to what it used to be. Take it back to early 2000’s when Ernie Macias and Mike Alexander traveled across the world just to share their love and passion for minitruckin. That passion is needed in this younger generation.
ST: What advice would you give to new photographers?
JR: Always keep pushing yourself. I am learning to push myself more everyday. There is always something new to learn. You cannot get better at what you love to do if you don’t put more effort into it. Find a style, and choose quality over quantity.
ST: Last minute thoughts you would like to give to the street trucks community.
JR: Thank you to everyone who has supported me, continues to support me and to Street Trucks for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible magazine. I hope to continue to bring the community more quality driven content in the coming future!
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