Street Trucks

Podcast Spotlight ” The Custom Scene Podcast”

Adam Johnson . December 08, 2021 . Industry News
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The Custom Scene Podcast is our ” Podcast Spotlight “. Glenn and Ra’Chelle Brown are the host and co-host of this podcast about the scene we all love. Street Trucks was able to do a Q&A with Glenn to learn more.


ST: Tell us about you and your co-host if you have someone on the mic with you?

GB: I have been in the scene for over 35 years. I’ve had multiple mini trucks. I have been to countless truck shows (active and non-active shows currently) across the nation. My wife has been in the scene for 10 years (I drug her into it kicking and screaming) Her credit has still not recouped. But together we enjoy the scene and the people we meet.

ST: Do you and your co-host have custom vehicles?

GB: Yes- both

ST: Give us the overview of your custom vehicles.

GB: Glenn has a 2009 Silverado long bed that is bodied with a bodied trailer. Custom paint, custom stereo, soon to be custom interior
Wife has a lifted 2016 Silverado. It’s a Rocky Ridge edition…she hasn’t done much with it yet.

ST: Give us an overview of the podcast.

GB: I interview “regular” people in the scene and discuss their contributions to the scene, how they got started, what got them into the scene. I do funny skits, updates on the car show scene, list upcoming events/shows, promong business affiliated with the scene.

ST: What platforms can we find your podcast?

GB: All major platforms.

ST: What is the frequency of your podcast?

GB: Weekly

ST: What made you or your cohost start this podcast?

GB: I have a love for the scene and the people I have met. I spoke with Jamie, with minitrucker cult podcast, and he convinced me to try it out. We came up with the concept of the podcast and started!

ST: What were some of the struggles you had in the beginning?

GB: Technical difficulties, learning curve, equipment

ST: What were some of the wins you had that you knew it was going to work?

GB: Bumping into random people who were listening to the podcast. I had a feeling that if people heard what we had to say and the fun we had we would gain more listeners. We are continuing to grow each week.

ST: I know you love all your podcast, but do you have a couple must listen to podcast?

GB: Our Lifestyle the Podcast, Minitrucker Cult Podcast, Lowest Common Denominator Podcast

ST: Do you sell merchandise and at what point did you decide to try and sell merchandise?


GB: Last month we debuted stickers and t-shirts. This was requested by numerous listeners. We will have more to come.

ST: Where can we buy this merchandise?

GB: We do not have any merchandise ready currently, but will update on the platform once we are ready to release our merch

ST: What advice you would give to anyone wanting to start a podcast.


GB: Just do it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, just start and HAVE FUN

ST: What do you think about the current and future state of the industry?

GB: I love the current state of it now. I would love to see one of the automobile manufacturers bring back an affordable entry level minitruck. I feel that it is warranted and will sell. I feel that companies should offer more aftermarket accessories for older vehicles.

ST: Thank you for the interview and do you have any last parng words for our readers?

GB: Thank you for the opportunity to introduce our quirky podcast to your audience. I look forward to future endeavors and getting out and skating the streets with the people that love this industry.

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