When the first week of August rolls around each year, you can always count on a few things in the Midwest. Warm weather, kids getting ready to go back to school, and the annual Slamboree custom truck and car show.
After almost 25 years in the making, this yearís Slamboree show at Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in Shawnee, Oklahoma, was one for the record books. After having its first show back in 1994, it skipped a few years, but with 2018 being its sixth consecutive year back in full swing, it is easy to see why this show is constantly growing. Slamboree had humble beginnings, just friends and car builders bonding over what they enjoy.
Fast forward to this year, show vehicles are traveling from every corner of the nation and pre-booking out the Grand Casino Hotel out a year in advance for the weekend they will be there. With well over 600 vehicles in attendance and thousands of spectators throughout the weekend, it is easy to see why this show is becoming one of the most anticipated shows of the year.
Every year, enthusiasts bring their builds out from all across the country to attend organizer Jimmie Broyles’s show. Growing in size and quality each and every year, it definitely is not a show to skip. High-quality rides are not the only great thing about this show, however; Broyles and his staff put on one of the most organized and easy flowing shows in recent memory. Meticulous planning by Jimmie and his crew, mixed with their great communication and the cooperation of the Grand Casino as a whole makes for a great time for anyone attending that weekend.
On top of all the other great things about Slamboree, this show collects toys and makes donations to charity each year after the event. If you have never met or talked to Jimmie Broyles at this show, make sure you make an effort to do so. Jimmie is one of the most selfless guys you could meet at one of these national events, and he spends a ton of his own hard-earned cash, time and energy to make this show and others across the Midwest stay strong–so cheers to you Jimmie, from us here at Street Trucks.
On top of all the other great things about Slamboree, this show collects toys and makes donations to charity each year after the event. If you have never met or talked to Jimmie Broyles at this show, make sure you make an effort to do so.”
The weather in Oklahoma this year was fantastic. Sunny days with no rain with the occasional mix of cool breezes made car cleaning an easy task. Keeping sunburns to a minimum and keeping the cold drinks flowing makes for the ideal show-going situation. I didnít even mention the amazing food vendors inside the show that kept the crowd nourished.
To accurately judge and select over 100 different awards, the Slamboree crew started judging first thing Saturday morning and kept going until shortly before awards Sunday afternoon. With the 600+ builds to check out, judges were meticulous when looking at all the lowered and lifted trucks, motorcycles, and cars of all types.
The hotel sells out months in advance before the show, so start booking your rooms now for 2019 and be sure you don’t miss it!
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