Up next Custom 1996 Two-Door Chevy Tahoe Published on August 01, 2022 Author Joe Greeves Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 THE 34TH NSRA ANNUAL STREET ROD NATIONALS Hundreds of Cool Custom Rides Arrived at the Florida State Drivers in the Sunshine State quickly become automotive enthusiasts thanks to the amazing schedule of automotive events that happens virtually every weekend. Everywhere you turn, someone is doing something cool with four wheels, both cars and trucks. Before long, the bug bites and you are immersed in the sport, looking for the next event. Although shows are plentiful, some create a higher level of excitement and quickly find a permanent place on the “Gotta-Be-There” list. The Southeast Street Rod Nationals is one of those. Rescheduled from its former April time frame to the first week in December, this traditional event draws an average of 1,200 vehicles from throughout the Southeast to the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. A perfect venue with a sprawling 355 acres, the fairgrounds showcased a rainbow-colored display of vehicles outside and dozens of specialty automotive suppliers inside. The NSRA team is famous for nonstop action throughout the three-day event that begins early with a Thursday evening parking lot party at the Hilton Garden Inn host hotel. Once the show began, spectators could enjoy the amazing collection of custom rides, an arts and crafts show, a model car display, adult and kids’ games, as well as an automotive parts swap meet and live entertainment Friday and Saturday night. Drivers could schedule a free NSRA safety inspection, increasing both their peace of mind and probably the value of the vehicle at trading time. Justin Nichols from the TV show “Wrenched” was on hand, and the Hercules Motor Car from Tampa was the event Spotlight Builder. Adding to the excitement was the NSRA Super Prize Program that gave away a staggering $53,000 worth of merchandise throughout the weekend. Three drawings for $2,000 cash added to the fun during the Sunday awards program where spectators got a chance to admire the NSRA picks, assembled in the Circle of Winners. If you’d like to be part of this long-running automotive favorite (and maybe come home with more money than you started with!) check out the annual NSRA schedule at www.nsra-usa.com. NSRA 2022 Event Schedule Southwest Street Rod Nationals July 8-10 OKC Fairgrounds Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Street Rod Nationals Aug. 4-7 Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky Street Rod Nationals North Sept. 16-18 Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground Kalamazoo, Michigan Northeast Street Rod Nationals Sept. 23-25 Champlain Valley Exposition Burlington, Vermont Southeast Street Rod Nationals Dec. 2-4 Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, Florida